Phrase(s): press on(ward)
to continue; to continue to try. • Don’t give up! Press onward! • I have lots to do. I must press on., Phrase(s): press something on
Go to press something onto something and press something on, Phrase(s): press on something
to push or depress something, such as a button, catch, snap, etc. • Press on this button if you require room service. • Don’t press on this because it rings a loud bell., Phrase(s): press (up)on someone or something
to put pressure on someone or something. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) • The crowd pressed upon the child, squeezing out all his breath. • The load presses on your car’s springs very heavily., Phrase(s): press something (up)on someone
to urge or force something on someone; to try to get someone to accept something. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) • He always presses second helpings upon his guests. • She pressed a gift on us that we could not refuse.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs